One way in, no way out

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In 2011 we were invited to perform as a special guest at the 10th anniversary of the Tasuleasa Social Volunteer Camp.
It was not just a simple invitation.
Funny the way it is, at Tasu there is only one way in, no way out.
We became part of something special, something to be shared with our sons, something to love and to cherish for the rest of our lives.
From time to time we go back there, to touch the sky and play with the stars.
You're welcome too, anytime of the year.

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About Tasuleasa Social

''In year 2000, when we were looking for a name for our organization, all the ones we had thought about were already taken. We then decided to take the name of the mountain that sheltered us and at the foot of which we built a country: Tasuleasa. We built a campus at the top of the Bargaului Mountain, near Pasul Tihuta and we created a place where we could bring young people in order to train them and teach them what being a volunteer meant and why it was important to care.

Our goal is to change the mentalities of those around us and to reveal the fact that young people really wish to get involved in solving social issues. We listened to our volunteers; we let them express their own culture, their own values and attitudes. All the youngsters who got involved in the association’s activities have been trained to develop similar projects on their own and to carry on social campaigns. Over time, we have been working with teenagers who were confronted with several problems: prisoners from juvenile prisons, children from socially disadvantaged areas, students dropping out of school and deaf children.''

Alin Uhlmann Useriu - CEO & Founder of Tasuleasa Social
Growing wings. Just seconds after you enter Tasu's gates. Some people are talking about a certain ''energy'' on that land. To be honest, I don't think it's a different world out there, it's just the bright side of it. This is what makes it magic. You're not in a fairy tale, you're definitely not experiencing an escape from reality. No hidden tricks and secret potions. Tasu simply shows you the reality of human decency, at its best. Something you can touch, feel, share. Simple, beautiful, inspiring. Something you were told it exists only in fairy tales.
Mani Gutau